For the grace of baptism to unfold, it is important to have the help of godparents. The role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, must be able and ready to help the newly baptized on the road of Christian life. Godparents officially represent the Church by witnessing what it means to live a baptized life, confirmed in the Holy Spirit, and faithfully participating in the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life. Below are the official requirements of godparents:
You are required to have at least one active, confirmed Catholic Godparent who is in good standing with the Church (see the criteria listed in Question #1 above).
If a Godparent cannot be present at the Baptism, a proxy should be designated to witness the Baptism itself. As proxies, they should normally meet the same qualifications as Godparents (refer to Question #1 above). They will be listed in the baptismal registry as “proxies”. They must be designated by the godparent, and approved by the parents.
Please note: if someone was baptized a Catholic and currently claims to “…have left the Catholic Church,” and/or has not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation, then he/she cannot be a Godparent or a Christian Witness.
Godparents need to submit a copy of the baptismal and confirmation certificates, as well as a marriage certificate if married in the Church. Copies of these documents need to be presented for verification of Godparent Form.
All information must be printed and correctly spelled. Please provide information exactly as stated on the Child’s Birth Certificate. This information is entered directly on the Baptismal certificate and the parish record. The entire Baptism preparation process must be completed before confirming and assigning Baptism dates.
St. Daniel the Prophet
Monday - Thursday: 8:45 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays